Ariel - Poem by Sylvia Plath. Read by Bridget Holding
wild words
The Extraordinary Lightness of Rock
Words may be relative–and little bitty things at that–but they can contain and express the most vast.
Read MoreI. Will. Roar.
"My plan for the rest of my life is to set myself on fire with enthusiasm…"
Read MoreRushing at Times Like Flames
The joy of reading poetry by the sea: ‘Rushing at Times Like Flames’ by Nelly Sachs (1891-1970)
Read MoreMirabai in the Mountains
The moon was perched like a golden hawk on the mango tree…
Read MoreOutrage, Optimism and Ellie Goulding
As a psychotherapist with a particular fascination about how we relate to our ‘animal selves’, I wanted to respond to the thought-provoking and insightful Outrage and Optimism podcast featuring singer, songwriter and activist Ellie Goulding.
Read MoreThe New Moon Of November
Grieving for the loss of light and heat.
In different places,
but in the same darkness,
and under the same new moon,
we dream of the ripening of the pale, full orb.
Read MoreOn Samhain
Since men wrenched back the clocks, twilight catches me unawares. The night steals in stealthily, and lands fast. Tonight will be imbued with magic. Samhain- the turning of the year. The going into the dark.
Read MoreResponding Creatively To The Turning Year
I’ve made a decision. For one year, from November 1st, I’m going to observe every seasonal festival, as well as consciously appreciate every full and new moon.
Read MoreThe First Stirrings Of Instinctual Creativity
There's a point in each project when it feels like it's there.
When the first draft is 'ok enough' or the painting is satisfactory. I feel like that with Wild Words. The course material has been on a three-year journey, it has grown and evolved. Now I feel it's the animal it's meant to be. And it will go out into the wilds equipped to survive. I hope many more people will enjoy and make use of the material.
Read MoreActing On Impulse
The word 'emotion' comes from the latin 'ex-movere' meaning to move out into. The purpose of emotion is not just to feel, it's to feel in order to move our bodies to make contact with the world. To take advantage of opportunities, and t0 escape threats. To survive and to thrive. When we write, we have to be able to connect our inner to our outer worlds in that way.
Read MoreFinding Your Voice
Voice. Ever felt called by the echo of your own voice in a cave? Or been seduced by the music of a husky, breathy voice… ‘Finding your voice’ is bandied about as the gold at the end of the rainbow for emerging writers.
Read MoreWhat are your wild words?
Wild words are the words that want to be heard and seen - as opposed to the ones that you want to write. They are the ones you keep caged in the depths of your soul.
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